Well, it's official...cold season is here! JT and Sarah started back to mommy and me class the other week and with all the little kids around there, JT started coming down with a cough a few days later, by Monday and Tuesday he was all sick, and a trip to the Dr's confirmed it...2 ear infections a chest congestion issue and the runny nose....lots of rest and meds were the Rx. By Thursday, Melissa was feeling the beginnig of the scratchy throat, and by Friday both Scott and Melissa were in full-blown illness mode. Scott stayed home from work on Friday, Melissa barely got out of bed, and Joe stayed away so as not to get sick, and JT was getting better...and poor Sarah, she had to take care of the baby, the house, pitiful Scott, and she was kind enough to take care of Melissa too! It was a lot for one person to undertake with no help, and to make matters worse, since the baby didn't feel well, he didn't sleep much, which meant Sarah didn't sleep much either! By the end of the weekend the worst of it had passed, the baby still has a small cough, and Scott went back to work today, and Melissa...well, she feels okay, but she clogged up her left ear while blowing her nose, and now she still can't hear out of it, and it's starting to hurt, so she's off to the Dr's office tomorrow, but other than that we're great, Joe didn't catch a thing since he stayed away...oh, and Sarah didn't get sick either...all that illness around her and she's fine, minus a few good night's rest---AMAZING!! Well, I hope this isn't the beginning of a terrible cold and flu season...The Huckeba's have had their fill, we don't want anything else! Hope the rest of you out there are feeling fine, and if you do get sick, drink lots of fluids, eat lots of soup, and get lots of rest...and if you're a mom, well, don't get sick, the rest of us can't do without you guys!!!