Just wanted to send our prayers and best wishes to all those affected by Hurricane Gustav.
This weekend the people of the Gulf Coast re-lived the horror caused by Hurricane Katrina, a mere 3 years earlier. Thankfully, Gustav wasn't as brutal as Katrina, and the powers-that-be, seemed to be well prepared, and evacuated 2million + people from the gulf area. So we send our love and prayers to all those in the Gulf region--we hope that you are able to return home soon, and safely, we hope that all the clean-up and repairs are done fast, and we hope that your lives might return to normal, or as close to normal as possible! We also are on the lookout for the newly named, Hurricane Hanna, seemingly headed for the Florida area and the Eastern Seaboard--we hope and pray that this storm will disapate, and that no one will be hurt.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Big Boy Carseat!
JT has finally graduated from his carseat that he's had since he was born..the rear- facing type that you can attach to your stroller and just go...he now uses his big, beautiful, convertible, forward-facing carseat. It's a big change, he is sooo happy that he gets to see what we are seeing, only bummer is, that if he falls asleep while we are driving, he wakes up when we have to get him out of the seat, before we could just take the whole carseat off the base and carry him wherever without waking him...oh, well.
Here he is trying it on for size after Mommy and Auntie Mel expertly installed it!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Orange Int'l Street Fair
Every Memorial day the City of Orange has it's street fair. We had never gone, but this year we decided to go and take a look around. They have all the streets in the center of Olde Towne Orange blocked off, and then there are vendors, and music groups and food stands to represent different nations of the world...it's very cool! Last year the weather was like, 103* at the fair but this year it was in the low 80's, not too bad. Parking is a bit tricky, although Scott managed to get us a primo spot! There are LOTS of people, I mean it's a lot of people, but JT seemed to do fine, and he loved the music over in the German section. The meatball sandwich over in Little Italy was super yummy, and I just love it when they charge $4.00 for a 10oz soda--you can't bring in your own drinks, except for baby type items. Other than spending about $20.00 on drinks it was a fun day! We plan to go next year, if the weather is not too hot, and JT will get to be more interactive and play in the kids area. Here are a few pics from the day!
(below) JT and Sarah dance to the German music being played.
(below)The crowds......Family picture in front of antique store.
September 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Scenes from a lunch...
So today we decided to go to lunch at Friday's in Brea, since we were already in the area. We stopped in and had a great bite! Wherever we go people are always drawn to JT, there's just something about him, and this day was no exception! Since Friday's is one of Scott and Sarah's hangouts, they know lots of people there, and so when we went in today one of the bartenders there, Al, came over to say hi! We had a great lunch, JT was on his best behavior, and he was the star of the whole place...I just love going places with him, it's so fun!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The no good...very bad day!
Okay, so today started off pretty well, but by the middle of the day, we were in crisis mode!
Long story short...we went to the market/bank, and when we came home we found ourselves locked out of the house...not good! We had a baby with no bottle or water in his diaper bag, since we were only going to the market for one item, and to cash a check at the bank( we hadn't packed one), it was like 95* outside, and we had a cake that needed to be refrigerated...not a good situation! We tried to open doors, lift the garage door, break things, it was bad, and the baby was hungry, and hot....it was bad! So, we made some calls, and thought, hey, let's see if we can get thru one of the opened windows. Well, Melissa managed to get the screen off of the master bedroom window, and figures that she can hoist Sarah up and thru the window...well, Melissa is NOT known for her ability to measure angles and such and she pushes Sarah 1/2 way thru the window area, and CRASH...the outer window breaks all over Sarah's back, and arms, and hip area....the baby screams...Sarah is cut and bleeding....it's not a good day! We decide to go to Melissa's church around the corner to get some bandages, and put the cake in the fridge, and get a drink of water....Pastor Denise is there and helps us out...meanwhile we get a call from Scott who says that Uncle Eric is on his way to help, so we head for home, Melissa stays to wait for Eric and Sarah and JT head for Target to purchase some water and a bottle so that if Eric can't get us in, in a quick amount of time, we can still give the baby a bottle. Uncle Eric arrives, assess the situation, figures out a way to get in the window at a better angle, and hey, since the outer window is already broken, he has more wiggle room...he jumps thru the window, and unlocks the door...OUR HERO!!! Sarah and JT arrive home shortly and the thank you's continue, we celebrate with a bottle for JT and some cold diet coke for the adults....the day is not so bad anymore!!
Long story short...we went to the market/bank, and when we came home we found ourselves locked out of the house...not good! We had a baby with no bottle or water in his diaper bag, since we were only going to the market for one item, and to cash a check at the bank( we hadn't packed one), it was like 95* outside, and we had a cake that needed to be refrigerated...not a good situation! We tried to open doors, lift the garage door, break things, it was bad, and the baby was hungry, and hot....it was bad! So, we made some calls, and thought, hey, let's see if we can get thru one of the opened windows. Well, Melissa managed to get the screen off of the master bedroom window, and figures that she can hoist Sarah up and thru the window...well, Melissa is NOT known for her ability to measure angles and such and she pushes Sarah 1/2 way thru the window area, and CRASH...the outer window breaks all over Sarah's back, and arms, and hip area....the baby screams...Sarah is cut and bleeding....it's not a good day! We decide to go to Melissa's church around the corner to get some bandages, and put the cake in the fridge, and get a drink of water....Pastor Denise is there and helps us out...meanwhile we get a call from Scott who says that Uncle Eric is on his way to help, so we head for home, Melissa stays to wait for Eric and Sarah and JT head for Target to purchase some water and a bottle so that if Eric can't get us in, in a quick amount of time, we can still give the baby a bottle. Uncle Eric arrives, assess the situation, figures out a way to get in the window at a better angle, and hey, since the outer window is already broken, he has more wiggle room...he jumps thru the window, and unlocks the door...OUR HERO!!! Sarah and JT arrive home shortly and the thank you's continue, we celebrate with a bottle for JT and some cold diet coke for the adults....the day is not so bad anymore!!
(below) The door that started it all!!
The window that broke on Sarah!
(below) OUR HERO!!
Sarah, JT and Eric relaxing after the crisis ends!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today in History! (by Melissa)

Since yesterday's post had such a political ring to it, we just wanted to make everyone aware of the historical significance of today's date...it was 88 years ago today that the 19th amendment was ratified, giving women the right to vote! So, if you are a woman in this country, you owe part of your ability to go into the voting booth and vote for your chosen candidate to all the women, and men who fought so long ago, so that we enjoy this privilege today! So, if you've never voted or you just aren't interested in politics or in exercising your right to vote, just remember...there was a time in this country, where you as a woman, were deemed not good enough, or smart enough, or even worthy enough to vote...and if that doesn't inspire you to make your voice heard and to keep helping women fight the good fight for equal rights and freedoms, not only here in America, but across this entire world, then I don't know what else it would take!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Like Father ...Like Son!!
Dem. Nat'l Convention (by Melissa)

So in case you haven't heard, today is the beginning of the Democratic Nat'l Convention, being held in Denver, Colorado. Now, I'm not here to tell you how to vote, or even to tell you why I'm voting the way I am, I am merely wanting to take this opportunity to remind us all about the wonderful freedom that we have in America--that we can have a say in our laws and policies, that we can choose who stands up for us, that we can go and have our voices heard, and that we can hopefully make a difference with the choices that we make today, choices that will enrich the lives of others to come--what a gift!!
Now, some of you know, that I am a Democrat, and I come from a split house...1/2 Dem, 1/2 Rep., but that aside, I want to encourage you to watch not only the DNC but also the Rep. Nat'l Convention, coming up in a little over a week, from Minneapolis. Watching the conventions is a great way to see politics from the inside, to get to know the candidates, their families, and more importantly what they stand for! For us, it's a chance to talk about the issues and to take a stand, and get involved. As a Democrat, I am watching this convention to get a better sense of where my party hopes to go in the future, and what they have to offer for the future. But if you are a Republican, I urge you to watch not only the RNC, but also this one too, if only to re-enforce your stance on the issues, but hopefully, to encourage you to become involved in the political process as well!
I will be watching both conventions, we all will in this house, it sparks lively conversations, and it makes you think about what you want for the future! It also challenges what you believe, and makes you ask the hard questions!
When I stop and think about what this election means for the future...I am amazed at the how this country has prospered. To think that just 10 years after Grandma Sadie's birth in 1910, women in this country were finally granted the right to vote under the 19th amendment in 1920....to just 1 year after JT was born (2007) we saw the 1st real viable woman candidate for President...what a country, and what's more, we've also seen the 1st African American candidate for President too...it boggles the mind! I am so thankful that JT is growing up in a time when the limits of what we know as normal, are being pushed, to know that a former POW (John McCain) could overcome his tragic past, and step up and strive for the highest office in the land....to know that a poor black child(Barack Obama), could one day run for President....and to know that a girl(Hillary Clinton) who studied hard and didn't listen to those who said you can't do this or that because you're just a girl, could become the 1st REAL viable, female contender for President...I am grateful for that!!
In this house we talk about the issues, this is a house where we debate the propositions, where we actually read the entire content of a proposition word-for-word, where we don't always agree with one another, but we respect each others choices, and we are open to seeing the others' points of view. We try to show JT even now at this early age that getting involved in the process is important. He has gone to vote with us since he was just a few months old, and the poll workers just love him!!! They give him a sticker that says, "I voted", and they are excited to see us as a family, make a point, even now, to show him the process! He will grow up in a home where we debate the merits of a law, where we research our candidates and where we volunteer our time to causes that we hold dear, and where we pray for our country!!
I hope that this election season inspires you to get involved, whether you work at the polls, or walk precincts, or donate to a campaign or just get up and vote...maybe for the 1st time...this is your right, this is our gift, and this is our legacy, we should cherish it!
I look forward to this weeks convention, to hearing from the leaders of my chosen party, and I look forward to the Repub. convention, to seeing the passion that they have for the representatives of their party! We may as dems, or repubs, have many differences between us, but we have more that unites us--get involved , take a stand ---change the world, even if it's only in your house --every choice, every decision matters--it's up to us to lead the way to a better tomorrow!
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DNC: Tonight we had an emotional tribute to Sen. Ted Kennedy, followed by a moving speech from Ted, himself--what an incredible public servant!

We also saw an informative piece on Michelle Obama, and her family, followed by a great speech by Michelle, about Barack, their family, and why she believes in him, we also saw their two precious daughters, Malia, and Sasha!

TUESDAY:We are eagerly awaiting the speech by Hillary Clinton, sure to be a crowd-pleaser!
WEDNESDAY: A great speech to come from Fmr. Pres. Clinton.
THURSDAY: BIG DAY!!! Speeches by both Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden, and Presidential candidate, Barack Obama!
***FRIDAY: Look for an announcement from the McCain campaign in regards to his pick for V.P.!!**For more info on the conventions, and the election in general check out: http://www.cnnpolitics.com/ , or for some great blogging about all things political check out: http://www.politico.com/ , also to see the conventions without interruptions, and without all the commentators tune into CSPAN, or CSPAN2.
August 2008,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
So I don't know if any of you have ever heard of a fruit called, Pluot, but it has become JT's favorite new obsession! The kid would eat 10 of them in a sitting, if we'd let him!! They are a cross between a plum and an apricot, and they are super sweet, and very juicy , and yes...really delicious! Grandpa Joe, brought home a huge box of them from Costco, and one day JT just picked one up and took a bite...and he loved it! They are super juicy, so eating one really does require a napkin for us big people, but babies don't really dig napkins, except to try and eat them, so we just accept that if a pluot is going to be eaten, the baby is going to be a mess! Here are some pics from one of JT's 1st experiences with the pluots...if they do get all over your clothes, it comes right out in the wash, so not to worry!
(below) Before the mess......getting into it!

(below)Loving that Pluot....really into fruit!
(below) Before the mess......getting into it!
(below)Loving that Pluot....really into fruit!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Just an ordinary day...(by Melissa)
Sometimes the sweetest moments are the most simple ones.... I caught JT and Sarah sharing this sweet mommy/baby moment in the living room today. JT who has this LOVE for apples, and tries to grab them off the table and eat them whenever he can, was sharing his apple with his mommy....it was so sweet, and he loved that she would take a bite of his apple!When he was done eating his apple he decided that he would play with the new shoe laces for Scott's dress shoes...he has a million toys, but the shoelaces were his choice.....go figure! The last pic is just typical JT, he has the cutest smile, and he loves to be in photos....gotta love a face like that!!

Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I thought he didn't LIKE cats!!!
Just had to post the cutest thing....Joe, who is allergic to cats, and who frequently complains about all the trouble it is having cats in the house, seems to be adored by the feline community. The cats love his room, his leather chair, his bed and his closet...and frankly, they LOVE him...even if he says he doesn't care too much for them. So, it was super funny and sweet, when Scott came and showed us what he saw going on in the den the other night....Joe, with Lucy sprawled across his lap just hanging out...it was just the cutest thing...guess he likes cats after all!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Congrats Joel and Joelle!!
Today, Sarah's cousin, Joel is getting married!! Scott, Sarah and JT will be attending the wedding down in South Orange County...Monarch Beach to be exact! We'll post some pics when they upload them to the computer, but for now,we'll just post the pic of JT and his super-cool hair-do(courtesy of Auntie Mel) waiting to go to the wedding!! We send our love and best wishes to Joel and Joelle, the new Mr. and Mrs. Bailey!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Box Boy!!
In the entry way of the house there is this box of toys that JT rec'd from the Brown family(thanks guys)and we keep it there so that we can easily stash some toys for him to play with, and because he has so many toys, we are running out of places to put them. Normally, he goes to the box and pulls out the toy, or toys that he wants and he plays with them, but today, at 2 different times we caught him getting in the boxes to be with his toys...guess he thought they looked lonely in there without him...silly boy!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Two apples and a meltdown!!
Today, JT discovered apples...we have this bowl of apples on the dining table, and he kept pointing to it, so Melissa handed him an apple to see what he would do...he started eating it right away, so she peeled it, put him in his high chair and he ate some of the apple. Later in the day, he said, "abull", meaning apple , so we handed him another one and he sat on the floor and proceeded to eat this apple. After a while of eating/playing with the apple, Sarah took it away, and tried to get him to take his nap...he was not pleased and he proceeded to have a small meltdown, which is very un-JT like, for the most part. But it was so cool to see that he seems to have a new favorite food!!
(below) JT's 1st real apple.....followed by his 2nd apple!

(bleow) He just loves those apples!!

(below) THE MELTDOWN!!!

(below) JT's 1st real apple.....followed by his 2nd apple!
(bleow) He just loves those apples!!
(below) THE MELTDOWN!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Congratulations King Family!!!

We just heard from Kelly and the family, and they are super -happy to announce that they are expecting a new addition to the family, baby #4 is on the way! Kelly is about 17 weeks along, and dealing with evening sickness. Ben, Cass, and Garrett are very excited to have a new brother or sister in the family.
Kelly and Rich plan to find out the sex, and the baby is due around Kelly's bday, Jan 17th!
Congrats, what an exciting time for you all, and we can't wait to meet the newest member of your wonderful family!!We love you guys!!!
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Our Family Update--2007-2008
Since it may have been awhile since we've had contact with some of you, we thought that we'd give a brief update on the last 16 months or so--Jan 2007-April 2008.
Jan 2007-New Year, a time of renewal and joy-1 year and 1 month since Grandma Sadie had passed.
Feb 2007-A month filled with love!
March 2007-Scott and his fiancee, Sarah find out that thebaby they are expecting is a boy!!
April 2007-Joe turned 63!! Scott and Sarah take the family up on the offer to come and live back home for a year or two, in order to save for a house!
May 2007-Mary turns 59! We began a slight remodel in order to make room for the happy family!
June 2007-Sarah has a babyshower given by Melissa. The house re-do is almost complete.
July 2007-4th of July, Sarah complains of bad cramping--braxton hicks, Scott and Sarah move in.
7.2 lbs, 21 inches long, at 1:44 pm@ Presbyterian Hospital in Whittier.
JT, is born with jaundice, but is sent home with bili lights...the next day we are told to rush to the ER his blood levels are deathly high, he is admitted to the NICU, they prepare us all for the worst! JT may not make it, he may be brain damaged, they want to do a massive double blood transfussion...they are searching for blood...10 days later, he is released, doing much better and thriving wonderfully!! God answers prayers, everyone is amazed!!
August 2007-JT comes home from the NICU!!
September 2007-Sarah turns 27. Mary begins to feel tired and weak, we begin doctor's visits to find out why!
Oct 2007-Scott turns 26. They have found some enlarged lymph nodes in Mary's abdomen, she is admitted to the hospital for tests...she is getting weaker.
Nov 2007-1st Thanksgiving with JT. Mary is still ill, but still tries to remain hopeful, it looks like some kind of cancer, but all the tests come back inconclusive! Still, little JT is the delight of his Grandma Mary's life!!2 more hospital visits, and a trip to a Pasasena Oncologist to determine if it's some kind of gynecological cancer...good news, it's not, but we are still uncertain of what type of lymphoma this may be!
Dec 2007--Back and forth to specialists...still no answer, Mary is all but bed-bound, we work tirelessly to find some explanantion for all this..we pray constantly for peace and understanding.Dec 19th, Melissa turns 3o, we celebrate with cake in bed with Mary.
Dec 21st--Today is a big day, we are to get some tests to figure out what is going on. Joe and Melissa drive with Mary to Pasadena, but while getting ready in the bathroom at the testing center, Mary passes out...the paramedics are called, she is transported across the street to Huntington Memorial Hospital...they prepare us for the worst, she has been vomiting blood in the ER. We call all the family together..we are devastated...we wait on word...they put her on a ventilator and move her to CCU...it's a strange world up there, monitors and machines...we are frightened..we stay until 1am, they tell us to go home and rest for the long day ahead tomorrow...they are going to try and extubate...this will tell us how weak or strong her body is.
Dec 22--They take out the tube she is wide awake...says she felt like Alice in Wonderland...like the Rabbit popping up out of the hole!! We are happy she is starting to stabilize...the doctors are amazed! More tests...her blood is still behaving badly, as it had all the times before...they are puzzled..calling specialists from City of Hope!
Dec 23-25-We spend the holidays at the hospital...all the family is here...Aunt Ruby flew in from Tampa...we take turns spending the night. She feels bad that she "ruined" Christmas, we tell her she didn't, we just want to be with her! More tests, they want to do a biopsy, but they must get the blood count high enough...more blood is given...
The next few days all blur together, but finally they get the blood up enough to do the biopsy...death is a real possibilty, we move forward, she wants to know what is going on inside! We brace ourselves for the surgery...they call from the OR, she is doing better than expected...no bleeding, they got the sample they need, an answer will come soon! Early the next morning Melissa and cousin Marissa are with Mary, a seizure begins...we summon for help, it stops, they get a CT, no brain bleed visible...they are concerned about the sudden seizure...everyone rushed to the hospital about 4 am.
We are told they can't do anything else, since they still don't know what's going on, and even if they did know she is too weak for treatment, and the kidneys have begun to go...we have a decision, lots of tests and pain and suffering, or to let God take care of her..we opt for peace and no pain..she hates pain! She is in and out of it...we are all there, we talk to her and sing to her...they move us out of CCU, to the hospice wing... it's a round the clock vigil, they give her meds for pain, she has none, and she is just peacefully sleeping....it take days...we 2nd guess our aproach, it's just our pain talking though, we know that this is the best for her, and it's what she would have wanted...we wait...
New Year's Eve 2007- we spend it in the hospice wing, she is sleeping, I think to myself about how much she loves the Rose Parade...we are a mere 2 blocks from the parade site...she hangs on...we take turns getting a few hours of sleep...
Jan 1st 2008--At 5:51 am, we are there when Mary leaves this world and enters into the presence of God...I imagine Jesus saying to her, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter now in to the joy of the Lord!! We are inconsolable...our angel here on Earth has left us and we are lost...but we have hope in Jesus!! We take care of all the hospital stuff and leave the hospital...there is much to do...we drive past the parade route...I think to myself, she has the best seat in the house now!
Jan 2008--We have a rosary for Mary, and the funeral the next day...it was raining...but stopped that morning to give us beautiful sunshine, and a rainbow.....Mary is buried at Rose Hills in Whittier, Ca.
Jan 2008- The rest of Januray finds us all trying to come to terms with all of this, Joe has taken time off work, Sarah has resigned from work to be a full-time stay-at-home mom, Mary was going to care for JT, but that was not to be...Scott has gone back to work, but is still terribly sad...Melissa, who left her full-time job, to get a part-time job in order to help care for Mary, is beside herself with grief...only the love and smiles of her baby nephew fill the void. Mary's mom and family try to find a way to come to terms with all of this...we lean on God for support and comfort.
Feb 2008-Scott leaves Downey Savings after 7 years...while between jobs he stays at home with Sarah and JT , the family bonds!!
March 2008--Scott begins a job with Interbusiness bank, an international bank, he work in Alhambra.
April 2008--Joe turns 64!! We are spending our time bonding as a family and watching little JT grow and change each day!!
That's the sum up, until now...lots has happened, but our faith in God and family has sustained us along this weary road.
We hope that you will continue to check in with us and see where this year 2008 leads us!!
Below you will find some pictures to show you a few highlights of the past year!!
Jan 2007-New Year, a time of renewal and joy-1 year and 1 month since Grandma Sadie had passed.
Feb 2007-A month filled with love!
March 2007-Scott and his fiancee, Sarah find out that thebaby they are expecting is a boy!!
April 2007-Joe turned 63!! Scott and Sarah take the family up on the offer to come and live back home for a year or two, in order to save for a house!
May 2007-Mary turns 59! We began a slight remodel in order to make room for the happy family!
June 2007-Sarah has a babyshower given by Melissa. The house re-do is almost complete.
July 2007-4th of July, Sarah complains of bad cramping--braxton hicks, Scott and Sarah move in.
7.2 lbs, 21 inches long, at 1:44 pm@ Presbyterian Hospital in Whittier.
JT, is born with jaundice, but is sent home with bili lights...the next day we are told to rush to the ER his blood levels are deathly high, he is admitted to the NICU, they prepare us all for the worst! JT may not make it, he may be brain damaged, they want to do a massive double blood transfussion...they are searching for blood...10 days later, he is released, doing much better and thriving wonderfully!! God answers prayers, everyone is amazed!!
August 2007-JT comes home from the NICU!!
September 2007-Sarah turns 27. Mary begins to feel tired and weak, we begin doctor's visits to find out why!
Oct 2007-Scott turns 26. They have found some enlarged lymph nodes in Mary's abdomen, she is admitted to the hospital for tests...she is getting weaker.
Nov 2007-1st Thanksgiving with JT. Mary is still ill, but still tries to remain hopeful, it looks like some kind of cancer, but all the tests come back inconclusive! Still, little JT is the delight of his Grandma Mary's life!!2 more hospital visits, and a trip to a Pasasena Oncologist to determine if it's some kind of gynecological cancer...good news, it's not, but we are still uncertain of what type of lymphoma this may be!
Dec 2007--Back and forth to specialists...still no answer, Mary is all but bed-bound, we work tirelessly to find some explanantion for all this..we pray constantly for peace and understanding.Dec 19th, Melissa turns 3o, we celebrate with cake in bed with Mary.
Dec 21st--Today is a big day, we are to get some tests to figure out what is going on. Joe and Melissa drive with Mary to Pasadena, but while getting ready in the bathroom at the testing center, Mary passes out...the paramedics are called, she is transported across the street to Huntington Memorial Hospital...they prepare us for the worst, she has been vomiting blood in the ER. We call all the family together..we are devastated...we wait on word...they put her on a ventilator and move her to CCU...it's a strange world up there, monitors and machines...we are frightened..we stay until 1am, they tell us to go home and rest for the long day ahead tomorrow...they are going to try and extubate...this will tell us how weak or strong her body is.
Dec 22--They take out the tube she is wide awake...says she felt like Alice in Wonderland...like the Rabbit popping up out of the hole!! We are happy she is starting to stabilize...the doctors are amazed! More tests...her blood is still behaving badly, as it had all the times before...they are puzzled..calling specialists from City of Hope!
Dec 23-25-We spend the holidays at the hospital...all the family is here...Aunt Ruby flew in from Tampa...we take turns spending the night. She feels bad that she "ruined" Christmas, we tell her she didn't, we just want to be with her! More tests, they want to do a biopsy, but they must get the blood count high enough...more blood is given...
The next few days all blur together, but finally they get the blood up enough to do the biopsy...death is a real possibilty, we move forward, she wants to know what is going on inside! We brace ourselves for the surgery...they call from the OR, she is doing better than expected...no bleeding, they got the sample they need, an answer will come soon! Early the next morning Melissa and cousin Marissa are with Mary, a seizure begins...we summon for help, it stops, they get a CT, no brain bleed visible...they are concerned about the sudden seizure...everyone rushed to the hospital about 4 am.
We are told they can't do anything else, since they still don't know what's going on, and even if they did know she is too weak for treatment, and the kidneys have begun to go...we have a decision, lots of tests and pain and suffering, or to let God take care of her..we opt for peace and no pain..she hates pain! She is in and out of it...we are all there, we talk to her and sing to her...they move us out of CCU, to the hospice wing... it's a round the clock vigil, they give her meds for pain, she has none, and she is just peacefully sleeping....it take days...we 2nd guess our aproach, it's just our pain talking though, we know that this is the best for her, and it's what she would have wanted...we wait...
New Year's Eve 2007- we spend it in the hospice wing, she is sleeping, I think to myself about how much she loves the Rose Parade...we are a mere 2 blocks from the parade site...she hangs on...we take turns getting a few hours of sleep...
Jan 1st 2008--At 5:51 am, we are there when Mary leaves this world and enters into the presence of God...I imagine Jesus saying to her, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter now in to the joy of the Lord!! We are inconsolable...our angel here on Earth has left us and we are lost...but we have hope in Jesus!! We take care of all the hospital stuff and leave the hospital...there is much to do...we drive past the parade route...I think to myself, she has the best seat in the house now!
Jan 2008--We have a rosary for Mary, and the funeral the next day...it was raining...but stopped that morning to give us beautiful sunshine, and a rainbow.....Mary is buried at Rose Hills in Whittier, Ca.
Jan 2008- The rest of Januray finds us all trying to come to terms with all of this, Joe has taken time off work, Sarah has resigned from work to be a full-time stay-at-home mom, Mary was going to care for JT, but that was not to be...Scott has gone back to work, but is still terribly sad...Melissa, who left her full-time job, to get a part-time job in order to help care for Mary, is beside herself with grief...only the love and smiles of her baby nephew fill the void. Mary's mom and family try to find a way to come to terms with all of this...we lean on God for support and comfort.
Feb 2008-Scott leaves Downey Savings after 7 years...while between jobs he stays at home with Sarah and JT , the family bonds!!
March 2008--Scott begins a job with Interbusiness bank, an international bank, he work in Alhambra.
April 2008--Joe turns 64!! We are spending our time bonding as a family and watching little JT grow and change each day!!
That's the sum up, until now...lots has happened, but our faith in God and family has sustained us along this weary road.
We hope that you will continue to check in with us and see where this year 2008 leads us!!
Below you will find some pictures to show you a few highlights of the past year!!
Jacob Thomas Huckeba is born!!

Mommy(Sarah) and baby JT

Daddy (Scott) and baby JT

Grandma (Mary) and little JT

Grammie(Sarah's mom, Kathy) and JT

Auntie Mel and JT