So in case you haven't heard, today is the beginning of the Democratic Nat'l Convention, being held in Denver, Colorado. Now, I'm not here to tell you how to vote, or even to tell you why I'm voting the way I am, I am merely wanting to take this opportunity to remind us all about the wonderful freedom that we have in America--that we can have a say in our laws and policies, that we can choose who stands up for us, that we can go and have our voices heard, and that we can hopefully make a difference with the choices that we make today, choices that will enrich the lives of others to come--what a gift!!
Now, some of you know, that I am a Democrat, and I come from a split house...1/2 Dem, 1/2 Rep., but that aside, I want to encourage you to watch not only the DNC but also the Rep. Nat'l Convention, coming up in a little over a week, from Minneapolis. Watching the conventions is a great way to see politics from the inside, to get to know the candidates, their families, and more importantly what they stand for! For us, it's a chance to talk about the issues and to take a stand, and get involved. As a Democrat, I am watching this convention to get a better sense of where my party hopes to go in the future, and what they have to offer for the future. But if you are a Republican, I urge you to watch not only the RNC, but also this one too, if only to re-enforce your stance on the issues, but hopefully, to encourage you to become involved in the political process as well!
I will be watching both conventions, we all will in this house, it sparks lively conversations, and it makes you think about what you want for the future! It also challenges what you believe, and makes you ask the hard questions!
When I stop and think about what this election means for the future...I am amazed at the how this country has prospered. To think that just 10 years after Grandma Sadie's birth in 1910, women in this country were finally granted the right to vote under the 19th amendment in just 1 year after JT was born (2007) we saw the 1st real viable woman candidate for President...what a country, and what's more, we've also seen the 1st African American candidate for President boggles the mind! I am so thankful that JT is growing up in a time when the limits of what we know as normal, are being pushed, to know that a former POW (John McCain) could overcome his tragic past, and step up and strive for the highest office in the know that a poor black child(Barack Obama), could one day run for President....and to know that a girl(Hillary Clinton) who studied hard and didn't listen to those who said you can't do this or that because you're just a girl, could become the 1st REAL viable, female contender for President...I am grateful for that!!
In this house we talk about the issues, this is a house where we debate the propositions, where we actually read the entire content of a proposition word-for-word, where we don't always agree with one another, but we respect each others choices, and we are open to seeing the others' points of view. We try to show JT even now at this early age that getting involved in the process is important. He has gone to vote with us since he was just a few months old, and the poll workers just love him!!! They give him a sticker that says, "I voted", and they are excited to see us as a family, make a point, even now, to show him the process! He will grow up in a home where we debate the merits of a law, where we research our candidates and where we volunteer our time to causes that we hold dear, and where we pray for our country!!
I hope that this election season inspires you to get involved, whether you work at the polls, or walk precincts, or donate to a campaign or just get up and vote...maybe for the 1st time...this is your right, this is our gift, and this is our legacy, we should cherish it!
I look forward to this weeks convention, to hearing from the leaders of my chosen party, and I look forward to the Repub. convention, to seeing the passion that they have for the representatives of their party! We may as dems, or repubs, have many differences between us, but we have more that unites us--get involved , take a stand ---change the world, even if it's only in your house --every choice, every decision matters--it's up to us to lead the way to a better tomorrow!
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DNC: Tonight we had an emotional tribute to Sen. Ted Kennedy, followed by a moving speech from Ted, himself--what an incredible public servant!
We also saw an informative piece on Michelle Obama, and her family, followed by a great speech by Michelle, about Barack, their family, and why she believes in him, we also saw their two precious daughters, Malia, and Sasha!
TUESDAY:We are eagerly awaiting the speech by Hillary Clinton, sure to be a crowd-pleaser!
WEDNESDAY: A great speech to come from Fmr. Pres. Clinton.
THURSDAY: BIG DAY!!! Speeches by both Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden, and Presidential candidate, Barack Obama!
***FRIDAY: Look for an announcement from the McCain campaign in regards to his pick for V.P.!!**For more info on the conventions, and the election in general check out: , or for some great blogging about all things political check out: , also to see the conventions without interruptions, and without all the commentators tune into CSPAN, or CSPAN2.
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